Low Input Lawn Care
You can have a nice lawn without excessive applications of fertilizers and chemical pest controls. We will discuss alternatives to traditional lawn care strategies. The emphasis will be working with nature and understanding the biology of cool season lawn grasses. Cost: Free, but you must register in advance to reserve a seat.
Notes - ~ Sign up early for classes to avoid being turned away because a class is full. All classes have limited seating.
~ MUST register in advance for ALL CLASSES, including the “Free” ones.
~ If there is a fee for the class, it must be paid at the time of registration to hold your seat. Failure to pay at the time of registration could result in your class registration being cancelled.
~ If you need to cancel your registration for a class, you must do so two (2) weeks prior to the class to receive a refund. Please email or call the Fayette County Extension Office to cancel.
~ Plants/seeds distributed at “Free” classes will only be available at the class.
~ Plants/seeds distributed as part of paid classes must be picked up at the Fayette County Extension Office by 3:00pm on Friday of the week the class is held, unless otherwise stated in the description. Any plants/seeds not picked up will be donated, no exceptions! (Plants/seeds are distributed at the end of the class.)
~ To mail in your payment, please make check or money order payable to Fayette County Horticulture Program. Mail check/money order & a copy of your registration to Gardener’s Toolbox; Fayette County Extension Office; 1140 Harry Sykes Way; Lexington, KY 40504
Registration is
(Registration for this event closed on
Ticket Types
Meet In-Person at

If you have any questions about this event, please call our office or email the contacts below.
Event Host:
Carol Bear